Summer 2018

Wales is the only country with a continuous path around its entire 870-mile coastline, 186 of which stretch around Pembrokeshire. Having never been, and after seeing countless photographs of its rugged coast, it had been high up on my list to visit for a while. I try and get away around the time of my birthday. Growing up I treasured the fact that it fell during the summer holidays and we would often be in Cornwall when it came around. It now feels like a tradition, to wake up close to the sea those first few days of August. A perfect excuse to book some time off work and head to Wales with my partner F.

Before a trip I like to research the likes of quiet beaches and swim spots, good walks, local food and historic old inns. The Wild Things Publishing series are fantastic and most of my planning this time a round came from the Wales edition.


We found the wind-buffeted Pembrokeshire coast to be a kind of paradise that really inspired the feeling of being dwarfed by nature and humbled by our surroundings. We felt as though we experienced all four seasons over the course of our trip: from waking up to the sound of howling wind and rain against the canvas of our tent, to walking in bright sunlight across sandy coves protected by the steep cliffs above. It has a wild and untamed atmosphere, with sea mists cloaking places in mystery and landscapes that manage to remain unaltered while always being changeable. An area rich in nature, adventure, myth and legend, it is a place that allowed my imagination to run wild. Not just the tales associated with the places we explored, but the fact that the rugged landscape made their truth so believable. What’s more, we barely scratched the surface. I already have a long list of further places to find here, cannot wait to return and really hope that it’s not long before I do.